Laboratory Tested.
Field Proven Solutions.

Relay Testing & Field Commissioning:
Field Commissioning is the proving grounds of Protection & Automation systems.
Rigorous field testing often uncovers hidden problems that were undetectable during laboratory testing. Identifying these problems early is critical.
A PSA team member can help you with all your testing development needs.
Get your protection system PSA certified today.
Arc Flash & Protective Coordination:
Protective Coordination is critical to a properly operating power system. Knowing the system is coordinated properly and establishing arc-flash hazards can save lives.
PSA specializes in these critical studies ensuring personnel and equipment are properly protected.
Don't guess that your system & personnel are protected...know they are.
Relay Logic & Templates:
From Automatic Source Transfer Schemes to Utility Intertie Schemes, relay logic is the heart of any modern protection.
The hallmark of a good design is simplicity. Knowing how to design relay logic to be simple, effective, reliable and serviceable is the specialty of PSA. PSA also offers customized templates to help customers change settings quickly, easily and with reduced complexity.
Real-Time Testing:
Modern Relay Protection Systems are difficult to design, and even harder to test.
PSA makes it easy with Real-Time Testing Services. Real-Time Testing benchmarks your protection, automation and control system during faults and transients in unsurpassed detail.
Built to order for your application, PSA can design a hardware test platform that automates testing and validates your design.
Know how its going to perform before you implement.
Relay & Protection Design:
Start the design of your protection at PSA: Laboratory Tested & Field Proven.
A reliable and serviceable protection system starts with an exhaustive design. From Bus Protection to Inverter Anti-Islanding Protection, PSA offerers a wide range of design options.
Start your design today with Power System Analytics.

Over the past 20 years, customer reliance on electric power has drastically changed. Customers demand high reliability that has ushered in a new era of protection, control and automation system complexity.
In the past, complexity equated to a loss of reliability. Antiquated systems were extremely difficult to test, maintain and integrate. Power System Analytics specializes in the these complex systems, making them simple to understand for the customer, easy to maintain for field resources as well as backwards compatible for easy integration.
Confidence in your Protection System is non-negotiable. PSA offers specialized testing such as RTDS (Real-time Power System Simulation) and HIL(Hardware-in-the-Loop) testing. Specialized Real-Time Testing validates your protection system in unparalleled detail. Quantify dynamic response, interoperability and core design with Real-Time Testing through PSA.
Customized Relay Testing Equipment built to order for the customer is available on demand to make complex testing easier, less costly and higher quality control.




For any inquiries or questions, please call: 919-520-8235 or fill out the following form